Fresh Eyes on Teaching assists educators improve their effectiveness in the classroom through digital video collaboration between teachers. The ability of the instructor to engage their students is critical to overall understanding and achievement. The "how" of what teachers teach is paramount to maximizing student success. There are multiple ways to skin a cat, as there are multiple ways to teach knowledge, skills, and wisdom to students. Some ways work better than others. With teacher effectiveness as the aim, Fresh Eyes on Teaching is hosting an ongoing Teacher-of-the-Month Contest.
See a sample video platform of teachers here. Teachers can secure private access to a video training suite that offers:
an interactive, video platform to upload lessons and collaborate with fellow teachers
a taggable storage library by topic, subject, date, name, etc. for every teacher
a venue for authentic professional development activities with digital badging awards
a platform to build curricular and instructional programming for teachers and schools
One FREE entry into one Teacher-of-the-Month Contest for each monthly registration
Complete registration at or see multiple plans at
Wait a day or two to receive login information for access to the exclusive platform
Upload a teaching video of yourself engaging your class in a meaningful way
Interact with other teachers in a professional manner in giving/receiving feedback
Top monthly scores in the automated contest of analytics will be entered into a raffle
The top scorer(s) will split 50% of the accumulated registrations.

The teacher must be teaching to a class, not to their fellow teacher-contestants
The teacher must be the focus of the video, though students may be included
Classrooms can be either traditional or online in nature
Submissions should be kept between 10-20 minutes with only raw footage
No digital effects are necessary
Overall interaction scores include posting, viewing, observing, and interacting
Sing-Up! Teach! Engage! Record! Upload! Interact! Win!
Note: Minimum 100 entries to proceed with contest awards.
Please join our Facebook groups Fresh Eyes on Teaching and Fresh Eyes on Physical Education to engage in pertinent educational issues of our time.
Note: Dr. Dave says this is the real deal: "What a great and fun way for teachers to work on improving their craft."